Update – 9 November 2020
Since the start of the statutory consultation, we have been continuing with its design development process; which will be further influenced by the responses we receive from the consultation. This has focussed on reviewing the access strategy to land to ensure that impacts to the highway network and agricultural land can be minimised wherever possible.
As a result of this design development work, the proposed Scheme boundary set out in our consultation materials needs to be amended to ensure that the Scheme can be properly delivered with minimal impacts.
These changes are set out in the plans available to download below. These have sought to ensure that the Scheme limits include all relevant field, hedgerow and tree boundaries. Specifically, at Chippenham Fen, the proposed new boundaries will incorporate additional vegetation; a small area of the Chippenham Avenue Fields County Wildlife Site; and a small area of the tree lined avenue which forms part of the Chippenham Park Registered Park and Garden.
No other changes to the Scheme are proposed at this stage, and that the information you may have accessed to date remains otherwise the same.